Sustainable Fashion

Briony Croft, Fashion Styling Consultant, joins Briony Kennedy to discuss the topic of Sustainable or Circular Fashion.

Create your wardrobe sustainably:

  • According to a recent report by the Australian Fashion Council, about 227,000 tonnes of discarded clothing is sent to landfill in Australia each year. 

    Only 7,000 tonnes is recycled.* So what can we do to help?

  • Start with the base. Invest in a high quality materials and ethical sourced, neutral base.
  • Always be prepared - avoid browsing.
  • Circular fashion economy - Airrobe, brands supporting buy-back and repair warranties
  • Textile Recyclers rather than Op Shops.
  • The Archive Place (Previous season clothing) & Archive Recycling

Follow fashion expert Briony Croft as she shares her tips on how to sustainably shop, things to avoid, and improving fashion economy.

*Clothing industry put on notice as fast fashion and unwanted clothing takes environmental toll. ABC

You're listening to the Briony Kennedy Lifestyle, latest beauties by doing because critics. Hello and welcome again to another episode of the Broiny Kennedy's Lifestyle. My name is Jeff, that's Jack, and once again joined by the gorgeous Briony Kennedy, from which all this is possible. All taken up for another three. I am Stockholm, I'm starting to get into a regular passion, bring up with the sparrows since we'd already moved up but down, at least. But we are going to continue after chat. On fashion, all things fashion, with a beautiful guest that we've gone in with us today, Brandy Croft. He's giving us her time and her knowledge on all things fashion. And today, we're gonna be talking about sustainable fashion week. Brioni, sorry, I'm gonna head over to Briony. I've now full, it's a very, it's a tongue twister to have a chat with Brandy about sustainable fashion. Briona, before we get into a little say, should be happy to know that Jack cleared out her wardrobe, D.W. via but of cleansing, and she did a bit of dawning on the weekends. She was sewing buttons on the jackets. She knows me, she did some donning, and I said, well, I said, pace, I said love, look at shooting guard your question that you've gone. We'll start all your pieces in there, and I've even got my eyes on Christopher Cronus fashion labels, god knows how many millenniums ago. Are you mentioned how long ago? Yes, during my. But yes, I've got those pants on, so it's carpet, not that you're in tonight's hoping about all of these. One of my passions, everybody noise ease, the Stein ability, I'm white. So, thank you for coming on to the steps are to discuss all things fast fashion, and I think what would be great today is to delve into how we can be purchasing more responsibly. But I think looking at what we got initially in our own wardrobes and getting in line with the whole circular fashion, which we require a secular view. She he's anything that we can do to keep pieces in the loop a lot longer. Yeah, and I think work with what you've gosh, sorry, I guess starting with your background, you are an image and branding special especialista, yes, yes, yes. And so, of course, you're looking at your clients and assisting them with not only their brands and the image that they're trying to project, but what I'd love to know, and I know a lot about, follow was a really, really interested in making do with what they've got. And one of the things that I want to do, you went on, I am trying to rein bigger, write a piece of clothing, is try to add different accessories. So, all I'd love your feedback around how people can might be like Jack, have a clean out, get rid of the stuff that isn't suiting their brand, keep some court cases, what would die baby, and how can I feel like the odd maybe not going with the fashion, but feeling a little on trained with my recent things have had for a long time, said that they're not contributing to more wise. Because I think what is it, like ten percent, you assign of the world's carbon emissions? Yes, the situation is, yeah, and what, what, what, five hundred thousand tons of textiles being discarded into landfills and a lot of those textiles don't break down or the last, I ease, yes, devastate, is never breaks down. It's devastating, and I can understand from, you know, a vegan perspective that, you know, a lot of the, the letters and things like that, it goes against what they would like to be wearing. But it's, it's a fine line between, you know, you know, cottons and some of these fabrics that require a lot of ward off hold water land to produce and treat to have, and, you know, as opposed to, like, understand some of these cheaper textiles to produce, but then I stuck with them for a lot longer. And, you know, trying to get rid of them, sorry. For me, I'm really passionate about finding ways that we can still look good and feel good with as minimal impact as possible without walking around naked, because that would be that the my sustainable fashion, looking at it, but we might get Cali, but it called on, we probably get a bit sick looking at each other too, sorry. Apart from being naked, what else can we do? I told you, go girls, what more can we do? What, what less can we do, yet without fashion side, decide to side? I'm going to really focus on what is the end part of my service, which is focusing on the clothing. It is focusing on the physical pot of the wardrobe. Say, okay, there is a lot we can do, this simple mais. What I am going to say is, don't put, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You can only get better, yes, right, with understanding, because there are so many fabric types and there's so many materials, you can only take small steps to understand the process of how these materials are being made, rather than putting yourself on so much, under so much pressure to make the right decisions all the time. I agree, it's all the small collectives that Mike a big difference, you don't have to change the world, just a little thing. Absolutely, sorry, let's talk about your job, or any, any war artist or do, I'm still wondering what you were talking about with the why. I'm hanging my Clyde sock with mine. That was another words he'll want to know how I'm supposed to store my clothes, because I got into trouble. Well, this is this is actually a good point because if you've got a wardrobe and you can actually see your clothing, you're actually not using awarded to its full potential, which means you're probably going out and purchasing new things you've actually already gotten award Dr., yes, good one, yep, that's tip number one. So, first things first, my Nordic nor draws, we want all things hung up, look, I know that sometimes that would be preferable and I know I sometimes that's just not possible with more drive size, that would be the ideal bat, and if you can, eight the waitress default things, for example, in your draw is rather than stacking them on top of each other, instead rolled them and put them back to Baghdad, could ideals other, so you're actually saying the colors in your mind sounds of the pieces they have in the war drive. My little challenges, briny. Uncle Curry, I don't want being told what to do in my little. I would suggest to at least listen as well. Everything, you know what? Dr. Flip, flip it all around. Anything that's hanging around, so it's hanging the opposite way on your hanging rack. Yes, you wear it flipping around the right way, the card, so you'll know what's the wrong way. So it's just the opposite way. So when you hang up, what is this new one? Alright, I think I'm just gonna bash in here. I think what Brioni's saying is, so when you're wearing it, it's the hook, yeah, goes over the eyelet like when you lock it, goes on, yes, front to back. And then when you're wearing it, take the hanger out so the hooks coming toward you. How is it all vice versa, vices or vice versa? Did you welcome? Just thank you for clarifying that. We just had a little moment. And so what that's telling you is two things. Number one, if you've actually got pieces in there that you're not wearing, why are you wearing it? Because you've forgotten about them, but they're still in good quality, or is it because it actually doesn't suit your personal style anymore, and it's actually a piece that you could send off to get recycled too? Yeah, and good taste. So that's where I would start with that. That's going to make sure that within a three to six month period, anything that is still hanging the wrong way, meaning you haven't worn it, I would be looking at them and asking some pretty serious questions of why it's even hanging in your wardrobe. Yeah, I kind of agree. That's what I do with my clients, except we don't do the hanging of things. I'm just crucial with my clients and saying, "Why are you wearing it?" Because you think to you, it would be almost stocked with the decision walk because there's so much in your wardrobe. You want to have that done a decision fatigue, or you might just not be able to make a decision because it's just too much looking at you as well. All that may be a might wear to this or maybe I might wear it to that. If it's a maybe, it shouldn't be in your wardrobe. I agree, it just shouldn't be in there. There's a reason why you're not wearing it. So that would be my first tip as far as creating a wardrobe that way expands and your job, then able to see a consistency with the styles of pieces that you can then refresh and give new life to. So the next step is, based on the pieces that you have, do you have any gaps that need to be filled? So for example, like you mentioned, Eliana, is there a lack of accessories that, actually, if you would add a silk scarf to that look, not going to completely change the look? And how many different ways can you actually style that silk scarf with the many outfits that you have to give your wardrobe? Imagine, yeah, I don't want that, yep, yeah, absolutely. I think that's a really good place to start when creating a versatile wardrobe for yourself. And then what I would say also, if pieces are starting to look really tired, you're sick of them or out for whatever reason, they just don't have a place in your wardrobe, look for brands that will actually reuse the fabrics and recycle the materials to be made into something else. Because there's this amazing organization that I've seen, one that helps to, that comes to the front of my mind, is a business called Apparel Say Yes, yes, yes. So you can basically get a box of things, and they'll pick it up from your house, and they will literally go through every garment. If it's appropriate to send to a charity to resell, they will do that. Otherwise, they will literally write down the fabric to be able to be recycled into something else, might need something else. That's amazing. Yeah, and I, on that, I actually would say, at the moment, a lot of options are inundated with clothing. Yeah, and I think people think they're doing the right thing, giving it to the op shops. Yes, but sometimes, the more like doing with the stuff that doesn't exactly rise, it's often getting sent overseas, and then that's becoming part of the landfill, adding to the landfill that the fashion industry is contributing to. Sorry, I really would invest in having a look at a few different companies that you can send your clothing to, yeah. And a lot of them offer a free service that you can just send your items to, rather than sending it there. Or I think it is a very small fee for them to come and pick it up, yes. They're really jumping on the convenience side of it as well, which is you've got to spend petrol to drop it off. Exactly right. It's the same sort of thing, exactly right, yeah. Because alright, for me, whenever someone has mentioned to me, "Oh, I'd love to update my wardrobe," and I, they march, say to me, "You're always wearing bright colors and this and that." I'm like, "Yeah, but what I try and do is incorporate a lot of the same pieces, try to make things look different as well." I know I've got some ideas, you've sampled quite a decent size or range, but a lot of what I've got, I bought a long time ago, okay? Because some very clear on what I can and can't wear. Sorry, for me, it's more of a style than ordering things based on fashion. But what I will do is buy accessories. I love brooches, you know, I bangles, or even just a trim to the look of a jacket or what sort of roll up the sleeves of the jacket, so you can see more of the shirt. And a degree rings. I think that sometimes, if you just invest in a few cute accessories, then you can definitely make something work a totally different outfit. Absolutely, one thing I will say is, if your wardrobe is full of color, when you do have a wardrobe that is full of color, you often need to have a few more pieces to make it work. Yes, because color can be quite difficult to do when you're dealing with vibrant colors and patterns. Yes, and that is probably one of the reasons why you probably even have slightly more than the average wardrobe, I would say. So if you are really wanting to be smart about creating a versatile wardrobe for yourself, really invest in those neutral pieces. For example, I would say spend a little bit more money on, for example, a camel coat or a trench coat, where you're literally going to have that for five to ten years. They never go out of fashion. So just be conscious of the pieces that you are spending more money on that you're likely to get more wear out of, yeah. I would agree with that. Yes, lately, yeah. 
And I think, um, browsing is a, is an issue for high school. Walk, I think that you can mindlessly just be adding, um, chlorine. It's because it's on sale or there or what car. I don't know, I could have another color of the source. I think the browsing can end up contributing to not only a loss of money on your behalf, of spending money that you don't need to be, but you'll then mindlessly just adding things. I think it's gotten mindlessness that not only then do you buy something you don't know where the one you needed it to, you doesn't even work with what you've already got. So, I know you talk a lot about getting very clear of what's in your wardrobe and what are the gaps. And I think then, even if would you ever recommend people might be winding down what the cap's office in already? Yeah, I have a list on my phone for my, has my life. I have a list of my find knowing the pieces that I thought getting pretty tight. And then I'll probably retire from my wardrobe pretty soon. I have that leads to my final times. And so then, if a peace pops up like whether you're at a shop, you'll call on NATO to watch it. Yes, that some happy to get that, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I thought meal plans, then you don't deviate off, getting a temporary block. And you know you're dying out some stuff, just stopping as you're shopping on our dot you can meet Jackie wouldn't even day, look at that stuff, but all I would be adding an older the trolley and the DA. And I think that would be, wouldn't you plans might face, absolutely. And also you and the fashion industry, especially in Australia, we are, um, where educated to wait for asylum. Yeah, and if you walk into one of the major department stores, you can't walk through that with that same style, racks of buy one, get one free. Yeah, that kind of thing, that temptation side of things. But really, that is us getting sucked into the marketing of the fashion industry, where we are contributing to potentially the style of being that sister, our overconsumption, consumption. Yeah, it's, our, the consumption has people worried about. I'll find it quite interesting. I know, I have to say, when I was a lot younger, I fell into this trap a little bit, but differently snapped out of it now and, and that he's a people worried about others saying them in the same thing, actually, at an event and select do you honestly think the people pay that much attention to you? Nine, I don't. I really don't, sorry, media has a lot to answer for in these here, yes, yes, people don't want to be seen in the same outfit when they're talking on camera on the stories, something Instagram. That's become a real, a real, a real problem too, especially, I would say for the younger generation coming three. Hey, watching as influences, yeah, I, I thought I would agree with that, and I think that look, if that's your, if that's your, I suppose, genre of work, I can, I can understand that. But I think that it's also something to be proud all the few have had a piece of clothing for a certain amount of time as well. Um, and just knowing that most people in our, sort of, paying that much attention to the, if you are wearing a dress to two weddings, people are not, um, too concerned. But this is definitely an appetite now, old, more businesses that you can range from definitely come and look and I don't have to. So I've rented a couple of dresses before Corbyn offer that was an amazing idea. And one of, one of the amazing team he was telling me on a recent, um, doing tricks that she has a membership with a company Akan think, they nine, I think. I know he talk about glam corner. Yes, it is a monthly fee and you get settled a five awesome fans. Yeah, not just about like event where now you can get your, um, you're casual stuff, yeah. And then, of course, they sell it if it gets to its and lost. But I thought how amazing is that because if you are only really sort of using things a few times and you cannot get your head around, yet not, um, you know, you want to be in fresh things all the time, well, that's a really great Y, yeah, of helping the environment, absolutely. And there's also another business that essentially for brands, at they have, they have some, some additional stock at the end of each season that technically is going to go out of fashion. But as we mentioned in the first episode, as long as you're not shopping for fashion, you're shopping to style, it doesn't really matter what season the clothing is coming from. And it's a great business called the archives twice that at essentially is taking old season stock from but direct from brand. So it's brand new stock, selling it for a fraction of the price, and it's making sure that that clothing from these brands is not being sent out of it to landfill. Summarizing today's, those kind of options, as well as, well as, for example, yeah, right the head of a moderate so Iraqis a lot of the big data companies like the iconic use it essentially when you purchase something from the iconic, for example, you select a ride and it saves all the day's house of the piece of clothing that you purchase or when you want to resell it goes on to a second hands so you can jump on and and patches that second hand rather than head sini. That's amazing, yeah. I love that, yeah, because one of the things that I think, and I'm glad to hear you from what you've mentioned that there are some brands now that are actually giving the cars two of these interchangeable. Yeah, that do something with it because you know, I guess some of these more designer brands, um, it'd be nice to say, um, I can understand from a business perspective why they don't, um, because I guess it could be that she, fifteen, devaluing their brand in our eighties days, heart level designer brands that just do not engage in these at all. And I do you throw out the, in, in the long off what's not in fashion. And it's, it's really quite sad to say that, but they still contribute to the Saddam. It'd be great to see them definitely coming on board. Yes, um, I don't understand this whole life high level of fashion brand lease design you might have the maybe longer because you, this might be a bit more, that's going to them, you spend more money. So I understand that. But there's, there's still that accountability of what they've got left that doesn't, so that they don't like to do any of these responsible stuff with which I find X me a little bit with the actual place that I just mentioned stay actually working with local brands that will streamline brands and and that destroying brands that they working without trying to stop this concept of, of the sale training that we've all got to lands. They often don't go on sale. The brands that scribe that the Akad place stock. Yeah, yeah, which I think he is also a really very good shift in the rain to come to me for fashion. Yeah, it stops at impulse buying was lately arousing in that impulse farm. It also means that brands from a business perspective brands can actually full cost small lot ranges that are going to sell rather than this whole concept of fast fashion that we can thank, you know, Zara, hygiene in the dirt, the likes of those brands that have trained us to think that we can get any kind of design for a fraction of the price at any time and the loss of a fraction of the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and it's so, um, I'm one of the things that annoys me is that not just, you know, the facts that I think if you quantify and, um, my mom makes me laugh because she will look at a piece of clothing and she will wear a cat eye care if I'm gonna spend two hundred dollars on the dress, she'll work at how many times, you know, she's going to wear it. It's a thing. She's famous, right? So she's always found it quite fascinating. Um, and so if you, if you took that and looked at some of these fast fashion Bob products that you might be buying and you're looking at how many ways you might get out of it, and it's really not that cheap in the end anyway because if you don't get much out of it as opposed to my beef, you save that money towards more of a higher brand. I don't, I don't have seen that there's been some steps around a movement towards more prestige luxury brands. It's been beneficial even with the economy the way it is at the moment. There has been more of an uptake in luxury brands, and I'm hoping that these people can afford us and I don't just doing it for the image, but I'm hoping with the reason for that easy is that they're saying that there is that benefit of holding back on some of these other fast fashion items and then putting the money toward something that's gonna last a lot longer. Completely gray. And it's definitely been a shift in the way that people are thinking about cutting fashion without a doubt. I think that the gens, instead of coming through, ethical clothing and what we're doing to our environment is actually the key driver. Yes, sorry, for my industry being the fashion industry, brands that are not keeping up with that and not doing something to partner with companies who are amending, trying to change the stocks in the fashion industry, they're going to be left behind. Yeah, I really, yeah, it's just for our age group. I think there's still a lot of education that needs to be shed, and I think that's, if there's anything that's big to be taken away from today's chat, I think if you now have some of the stats, share them. The fashion industry seems to get away with a lot here. Yeah, if you know the stats and you can help people understand them to make better choices, and it's like we said, you don't have to change everything straight away, but if you can just make small little changes, actually, it can have a huge impact in the long run yet to look differently. And I think there's always that balance is in there for businesses. It's that, you know, I don't know when I started doing it was, you know, you need to be profitable outcome to sustain business. Let's not, you know, there's no way around that. And I guess with the consumable products like my Cup, then, you know, there is that constant ongoing patches spots. Everyone's in business to make money at the end of the day. And so where is that balance, I suppose, for some of these brands that, you know, bye-bye, do you have that constant it with new collections and things like that? I get from a business point, but you had to balance that off with the footprint. How do they balance that off and provide, I guess, an end-to-end solution like doing does with the refills and then not only keeping our packaging in the environment in the consumer's hands a lot longer, but then when our copy or for hygiene reasons, Comey revealed, we take that back and we take responsibility for recycling those things. So I think you can be profitable, have some purpose behind what you're doing, and provide that hold that debt, that circular wardrobe, and all that end-to-end solution yet. Yeah, absolutely. At the brand's call, Nobody Denim, based in Melbourne, I actually do have recycled denim. Sorry, that there's a collection. It's not all of their jeans from my understanding. I could be wrong, and that's sort of home to it. But they certainly have a casual part of the collection that is always 100% made from recycled materials, which is the my amazing, yeah, I'm absolutely. And every brand, I think in the future, needs to have at least start with his capsule wardrobes while we, we made our way forward with how we construct our clothes. Yeah, I kinda fix will look before we finish. I just want to really quick because it's still annoying me that you didn't like how I was keeping my clothes and I don't, and all these beautiful gold hangers for my clothes and everything's all color-coded. So what can we do, just in a few little tips, to mind tying the loss of our clothes with the way we're storing them? I get we more, we can hang up. We can visually see them, and I'm a big fan of that. I need to say things because all that you need start hanging. It's not what you were getting mad at me for not getting married for the top hangers that you have installed. I know they look beautiful, but they're horribly impractical for your car. Home, want because then go to shop. It just, yes or anything that has a shop in Germany, and I say that as I'm Bob, Adaline printing, be dying, imprint city stretching the fibers, which will never stretched back. So the life of that piece of clothing is much shorter because of the way you're choosing to store it. Modify folder, man hoffen die. And like on the bottom beat of the hangers, just flipped them over, then more than that. I'm not gonna say it on, on, no. Also, exhorted when I found my gold hangers, it's what's on everybody, the beautiful hangers. They look beautiful. They might be enough, but it is so useful. Hangers that are suitable for what they have, what fell to stuff. Forget it. I think if you've got a small wardrobe, the felt hangers are the best option because they've got a softer edge. If you've got a lot of wardrobe, the wooden hangers are good, but they take a lot of space, and then you can't have as many. Yeah, the other thing I would suggest in your drawers, buy little sections, all yes, they're really great, I just to keep everything organized. The amount of wardrobes I go into, the last two bottom drawers, which you know might be the athleisure drawers or, you know, the basics drawers, and there's just stuff thrown in there. It's just need to have a system, as with everything, to keep organized. Does have a great system. Yep, have a system, absolutely. Well, thank you. I've enjoyed that. I love talking all things sustainability, circular wardrobe, circular beauty, circular everything. And I'd love to hear from at least knows what I might be due to keep their clothes not on gold hangers. Keep their clothes even. They will last a lot longer. And what might be sustainability tips that they have. So thank you so much for joining us, Brioni. But before we go away, can our listeners find you? So the best place to find me, I think, is probably on Instagram. There's lots of content out there that I think a lot of your listeners will get quite a bit out of. And so instead of using my website, which is, today you can find me on Instagram. Thank you for your time. Yeah, I mean, you've been listening to the Brioni Ken Lifestyle. It's brought to you by Adorn Cosmetics, luxury without.

2023-07-17 22:55:00
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